not an expert

100% security is not possible

(multiple paths and increasing cost diagram)

if you have a serious need for cryptography (i.e. activist/journalist), talk to orgs like EFF, Tactical Tech, AccessNow

tangent: zero-days

crypto is inconvenient. why?

one scenario:

here's how:

threat modeling

who are you defending yourself against?

e.g. a hacker in a cafe is very different than the NSA

some real-world scenarios

in the case of public wi-fi, encryption helps.

it helps in the stingray case but police can still collect metadata about your phone, identifying you at the protest. in some countries that's enough to get you in trouble.

in that case, leave your phone at home, or get a burner.

security is not just about computers

there are other ways of getting sensitive information


protects against:

what to do:


protects against:

what to do:

Password managers

protects against:

what to do:

tangent: password hacking

2-factor authentication

protects against:

what to do:


protects against:

what to do:

other topics we probably won't have time for

some other great resources:
- A DIY Guide to Feminist Cybersecurity
- Surveillance Self-Defense (EFF)

stay safe!